Regulations Come Into Playrules

Consumers are more willing and open to a healthier lifestyle and in October this year we see the introduction to the HFSS guidelines. The High Fat, Salt and Sugar regulation will bring new challenges for our own development and customers; however, we have already begun development to fit within the new guidelines.

We understand the pressure put on our customers to reformulate existing and new recipes and can offer assistance. Whether you’re deciding to reduce salt, sugar and fat or add healthier ingredients including proteins and vegetables, Dalziel can help the challenges faced to ensure flavour and texture properties are still fulfilled.

The new legislation is being introduced by the Government, however, research suggests that 72% of consumers are actively looking for high fibre products, as well as 62% for gut health and 59% high protein (Kantar) therefore, we can also see this health drive from consumers.


Flexi-trend Set to Continue

Over the past 5 years, plant-based categories including plant-based dairy and meat alternatives have pexels-photo-890507doubled in size (Kantar). Aldi has also reported a 250% increase in plant-based sales in 2021 compared with 2020 (Grocer).

However, for some, a vegan diet may seem restrictive, therefore some consumers lean towards a flexitarian lifestyle.

Mary Niven NPD and Marketing Technologist mentions, ‘the flexitarian saw a huge rise in 2021 and we’re predicting that this will continue to be one of the biggest food trends of 2022. Many consumers are conscious and open to incorporating more plant-based products into their diet and a flexitarian lifestyle makes that leap less drastic for someone who’s not quite ready to become vegetarian or vegan.


Demand for Provenancepexels-photo-95425

48% of UK consumers say the COVID-19/coronavirus outbreak has made it more important to buy British produce (Mintel). Not only that, but consumers are now also more aware that certain ingredients and produce can offer better taste credentials when bought locally. Naming provenance on pack can also add value to products. We have a range of ingredients that can be used for this purpose including Pink Lady Apple, Suffolk Cider and English Truffle. If you wish to explore our full range of provenance ingredients, please contact us

To explore our Christmas 2022 review and trends, please contact our team.

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